
Moconá 🇦🇷

Posted By : Caracol Internacional/ 951


Regular Departures: Thursday and Sunday. Starting at 7 am.
Mocona in Guaraní language: “The one who swallows everything.”

The Moconá Provincial Park is located in the east-central region of Misiones, about 337 kilometers from Posadas, capital of the province, and 320 kilometers from the city of Puerto Iguazú.

Its formation is due to a geological fault on the Uruguay River, between the mouths of the Pepirí Guazú and Yabotí streams (on the Argentine side), and the Brazilian rivers Serapiao and Calixto.

The Great Salto del Moconá, is a 3-kilometer-long canyon with waterfalls parallel to its channel.

The Moconá Falls are home to unique plant and animal species associated with the rocks, which are called the Yaboti Biosphere.
The visitor begins to enjoy nature from the start of the route that connects El Soberbio with the Moconá Provincial Park, accessing viewpoints with spectacular views, particularly the one over the Uruguay River.

Includes: Transfer hotel / Mocona / hotel.
Does not include Nautical Crossing, entrance to the park and lunch.

